Showing posts with label Free Yourself. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Free Yourself. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A Workout Is Just A Workout

    The way most people look at exercise is that they just want it over with. Driving to the gym, slap on some clothes and do their little cardio sessions and baby weights plus a little Zumba or Jazzercise to "spice" it up. Sometimes people exercise just to get away from home and do their thing, nothing wrong with that but then there are those that take it so seriously they'll die before they don't have a great training session. For me in 9+ years of doing at least 1 workout every single day, I look at it as an opportunity to challenge my body, my mind and the way certain exercises feel with a sense of purpose and imagination. For the most part I'm a complete nerd when it comes to exercise and I've accepted that. People in the most sense don't really use their minds from an opened stand point, they're very analytical and don't realize that the right amount of things to use for your goals is not that much yet isolate the shit of out their bodies.


    Like a few people in fitness, I put passion into my exercise, I may not always show it but in my mind I'm firing up and I'll keep going until I feel I'm done. Those who train with fire and passion go beyond just a workout, it's a battle to who can keep up and the biggest competition is not that twerp bodybuilder with bunny weights, it's you against yourself. I've seen a lot of people in the gym and even a few train outside that train with a little finesse and have good technique but their energy just isn't there. It's like they do something just for the sake of doing it. It doesn't matter what you train as or what goals you're trying to achieve whether it's losing weight, building muscle, hold a handstand, pull the strongest cables or lift a weight you want to surpass; if you're passionate about it than use it to get the results you want.


    One secret I don't share with many people and now I'm giving it to you is that a real workout and I'm not talking about pushing your limits or getting psyched and all that stuff; what I'am talking about is that a great workout that is real and demanding for you is like telling a story. How do you introduce the story in your workouts, where's the conflict, do you have certain characters (exercises) that have something to say and how would you end it? Every story has a beginning, a middle and an end but it can't be just some mediocre story, it's how you play it out in your mind and putting it into action (training). You're creating a place in time where the way you feel and the way the story moves you. It's like a beautiful dance, you need rhythm, poise, and balance and most importantly you need to breathe life into it. How's that for a workout? It's not even a workout anymore, it's like a play and each chapter is one step closer to being stronger, more powerful and like an awesome ending it's going to change your mental state in a very cunning way.


    A great workout is flooded with intensity, not that getting mad and screaming crap but the focus and the drive to move faster, more efficient and strength that you didn't think you had in you. Many people can't understand this because there's no energy and no drive to do better. Sometimes the pace is slower or faster for some people but those that want to test themselves and see how far they're willing to go to get that intense focus to achieve the goals they strive for. One man I can name at the top of my head that is intense as you can get is Matti Marzel of Ferocious Strength; he's so adamant to be the very best at what he does that his intensity is felt throughout his writing and his videos as he breaks wrenches, does extremely advanced exercises on his fingertips and even holds himself up in ways some elite gymnasts can't fathom. He is that focused and he's just as intense from talking as he is training but the main point here is that he's one of extreme few individuals in this world that throws himself into this powerful state of mind and pushes himself to the point most are too damn afraid to go. A workout is never just a workout.


Happy Wednesday everyone. Keep it up and train hard during this mid week and be awesome. Looking for advice and coaching to help achieve your goals than grab $50 worth of products and as a bonus, I'll throw in a one-one free coaching session on skype. Check out the bottom of the site logo for more details.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

They Will Never Understand

    What makes you unique? Can you do things that makes others give you weird looks or vibes? When it comes to people especially in certain industries, they fear what they don't know or understand. Its human nature to feel that when you see someone do something extraordinary or even superhuman. I've gotten this many times even by my own blood and hear things like "don't hurt yourself", "Can you do that in the other room", "It's a shame nobody pays you for that" and a favorite "Don't do that in the middle of the floor when there's people around" (I was bridging and there were 3 people in the room and weren't doing anything). I like to feel I'm unique in my own way and can do things most people my age and size can't do especially in this era. Why don't I fear the things I do? Because I not only love it I challenge the norm and see what else I'm capable of and going that extra mile.


    Do you get put down for what you love? How can anyone with a brain even remotely tell you, you should do something else because they can't understand? It's messed up. You're not hurting anybody and what do they really fear it's certainly not you it's them and they hate what you're capable of. When you get to pull off something that not only makes you feel incredible in a positive and productive way and you get joy out of it, people want to try to take that away from you because they're not happy with themselves and they're too damn scared to do something that could give something to smile about and be grateful to do things others can't fathom. Not everyone is like this because on the other side of the coin, there are people who want to encourage you and help you succeed. The type of people that have similar interests and share a common goal of making themselves great by helping one another and cheer you on as you cheer for them. When people put you down for what you love it's not because they don't care it's because they can't do it and they don't want you to succeed and that helps them feel better (even though it really doesn't).


    For those that can't fathom what you're capable of or what you're willing to strive for, it is almost hurtful to be looked at as if you're some kind of freak of nature and you're too different for them. That's the beauty of being unique, you get to be different and lead your own path to what makes you happy and give you a reason to show your talent in ways the average person just doesn't have a clue. They don't have what you have and they're jealous as hell even though they won't show it or admit it, it is there. I love being able to fall back into a bridge and kick over when I'm able to, it's a beautiful feeling. Can't say the same for some people I know because they look at me and think "he's going to break his neck and he's too big for that." You know what that tells me, it says yeah say what you want and be a negative Nancy but I'm going to do what makes me happy and if you can't take than walk away from me. I'm tired of hiding of what I'm good at and you should never hide who you are.


    The people that don't see the positive things that you're good at will not support you (trust me, It's been said to me in my face) but yet you can find those that will and will push you to challenge your passion because they not only see the awesome things you're capable of but want you to share them with the world and can even make a living out of it. It doesn't matter if you're a writer, a hand balancer, a manager of a small store or even one of the world's strongest men; if you love what you do and you're great at it than keep doing it and never let go of that fire that burns within you. I believe in you and if you use what you can do in a positive and awesome way than by all means keep at it and don't think you're not strong enough to be better. Coming from a guy that was told that loved basketball at one time in his life that I would never be in the NBA no matter how hard I tried it hurts to listen to that shit. You are the most awesome person you can be and your limits are your own and if you want to reach for the stars than dammit do it. Make yourself stand out and have fun with it, if you love it and you learn to be the best at it that you are capable of making it than don't let anyone stop you. Keep at it and don't let assholes take you down when you can rise above them.

It's Tuesday so make it a great one and be awesome everyone. Be sure to check out my Special Offer at the top of the site. It'll only hold until Oct. 1st. Jump on it now and find out how to get a coaching session with me on Skype.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Getting In Shape No Matter How Big Or Small

    There is this certain notion from people who think they can't get in shape because of no time to go to the gym, they're too tired, they can't make the effort because of a million other responsibilities and I can understand that. Kids can get in the way, your job makes you work long and grueling hours and you might even be going to school or when you have free time you just want to sleep. It's not easy but it is possible to get fit but using realistic and strategic goals. You may have a low metabolism and it's tough for you to gain muscle and lose weight or you have a high metabolism and you can easily lose weight but not build muscle not as quickly so you learn what you can do. Look at the old-time strongmen; some of these guys were laborers, businessmen, promoters, others were sick and can barely breathe and were told they would never have a chance to have a full and healthy life so what did they do, they made the effort but it started out very small and progressed their way up. If you truly want to get in shape, you will make the time and the effort, it may not always be an hour a day to do what you want but whatever time you have, use it and your body will thank you for it.


    I was a fat kid as a teenager, overweight and had some muscle from the weights I used and did the shot put and discus on a daily basis in the spring of my sophomore and junior year of high school but I wasn't where I wanted to be. I tried bodybuilding but I just got burned out all the time so I just lifted heavy weight and see where it went. After my leg(s) injury, I learned different styles of training and molded them into my own style and I got in great shape. Although still a heavyweight, I can do some pretty good athletic stuff for my size. It's not easy to start out, so you learn to make a little effort even if you exercise for 1 minute and that's it for your day. You have little kids and they have their naps, use that time to do some training even if it's just push-ups. Arthur Boorman struggled for over 15 years overweight and using crutches to help him walk, this man could barely even stand so he started doing DDP Yoga but really a small portion of it he was that bad, at first he couldn't hold himself up on his own but he kept at it no matter how much he fell over or had trouble getting back up. Today he is the heart and soul of this program and he can do sprints, the splits, 30 second push-ups and many other things. You have a choice to either get fit or do it despite your obstacles or you can keep doing what you're doing and bitch that you don't have time. A skinny person can do it too to build muscle and gain some serious strength, look at Charles Atlas, Lou Ferrigno, Tommy Kono, George Jowett and many others who were told because they were so small there's no way in hell they can get strong yet take a good look at what they have accomplished.


    Making an effort is the first step but it doesn't have to be hardcore and/or grueling to even start, do a couple exercises to start for a few minutes, learn the technique and develop your focus. As you get better, do a few more exercises and do them when you have the time. You don't have to train in one shot for the entire day, do a little something throughout the day like when you wake up, stretch a little, on your lunch break do some squats and push-ups, when you come home move a little to rejuvenate.


    Some people will create this negative bullshit they cooped up in their heads because somebody told them it's not possible or that they're so busy what's the point, stop it. I know some seriously busy people, one is pregnant, one runs around all day with work and kids, one works for 10-12 hours and a few are in college, so what's your excuse? Blow off that dumb ass thought that it's not possible and look at what could be possible, you're at a stop light what can you do for those mere 15-30 seconds; Press your hands together, do dynamic resistance curls, push/pull on the steering wheel in different directions; there's about ten things you can do in that amount of time. You're buying groceries for your family what can you do; how about pushing down on the handle of the cart, hold up a gallon of milk for 5 seconds, twist on the handle of the cart, curl a heavy bag of apples; yes it looks weird and it can be unappealing to do but so what, you're doing something for your body that nobody else will do because apparently the only way to get in shape is to go to the gym (most are horrible anyway) or go to a yoga or Zumba class (timing for that is rough for a lot of people) bullshit. Learn from others to motivate you, make friends at a place that gives you support and love. You can do it and I believe in you that you can. Start with a couple minutes here and there, find what works for you and even if you have the toughest schedule, there are possibilities and it's up to you to find those possibilities.


Have a great weekend everyone and be safe, train smart and have fun. Be Awesome.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Creating A Flow

    This isn't how to build flow using energetic training (Chi Kung) but it helps. What I do want to tell you is, you can create a flow of putting exercises together whatever they may be, could be DDP Yoga, Squat Training, Muscle Control, lifting heavy weight or Farmer's Walk; you can put some of the most intense and even the toughest exercises together and create your own energy by how you move, your breathing and how you bring them together in sequence like a circuit or just resting than moving to the next exercise. It's a practice that develops not only great physical strength but building internal power. Most people believe in order to channel your energy internally you have to do training of that sorts, not always true.


    Finding that rhythm for you may not be easy or maybe it will, it's up to you to figure that out. Following someone else's workout is great no question but the other side of that is it doesn't always flow with you because you didn't come up with it, you're just following someone else. Some people don't like me saying that but you know what, I've learned from experience when you build your own workout and it flows for you, it is so much more worthy than just trying to "Keep up" with the other person. I love DDP Yoga it is one of the best systems in conditioning today and combines many elements I'm interested in but as I've said with every other program I like, I learn and study the exercises but I don't feel good about trying to keep up with that person's program when I can just come up with a workout of my own that is just as intense or more and I'm getting greater benefit out of it. "Make it your own" as DDP would say and I have been following that motto for many years nearly a decade actually. Find a rhythm that works for you.


    One of the most important aspects of creating your own flowing sequence no matter how intense or the tempo might be is pacing yourself. Most who buy those infomercial crap just want to jump in and not consider the consequences. In reality you are not meant to try to keep up with the people on the DVD, you are meant to build yourself up and keep up with yourself. If you just try to go as fast as they do or anyone for that matter, you're missing out on building your own style and doing your best to flow for you not to see if you're just as good as they are. Nobody is better than the next guy, some have more experience and their bodies can handle greater stress but they're no better than you. You are one person and you need to give yourself a chance to make something out of yourself.


    This is my favorite part about the article where I get to tell you about being creative. You can follow along with someone else and just be a mindless sheep or you can break the rules and just make shit up. Let me put it this way; you understand the basics of your program whatever it might be so now, just make up the workout, learn how your body flows through each exercise and follow your intuition about what to do next, follow your instincts, listen to your body and feel in your mind what gives you the most benefit. I rarely ever do the same workout twice in the same week because after doing the same exercises in the same sequence over and over it becomes boring to me real quick. I don't want to feel I'm stuck in this routine, I want to be free to make my own choices and go with how I move and exercises that give the freedom to breathe, stretch and just let my imagination run its course. That's the beauty of just making up your own workout is the use of your imagination and tapping into that power that resides within you and you don't even realize it. Build a flow that creates your own bliss, your own intensity and the only person you should be keeping up with is yourself. No one else has your body and your strength and/or weaknesses so why should you try to keep up with everyone else? Think outside the box and do something out of the norm that only you decide how intense it will be, what the tempo is and making it work for you and nobody else.


Have a great weekend everyone. Be awesome and train hard. Next Friday will have me writing my last article for the next few weeks as I will be in California for my 30th Birthday celebration. You are the most bad ass people I've ever had the pleasure writing for. You all inspire me to do what I love. Keep reading and find the best resources for you or your friends/family.



Monday, April 14, 2014

Free Yourself


            In the fitness world, some trainers put a lot of restrictions on their clients on what they think is good for them and what isn’t. I'm not saying all do this but some do and many people in general put restrictions on themselves by doing this for that and whatever. I do believe if you're injured, than it’s best to heal and get yourself better however; if you restrict yourself what you are told to do than you're limiting what could be incredible for you to achieve.

            It’s important to remind yourself about what you can use to exercise with while you’re going about your day. Some people go for a run and that’s it which isn't a bad thing but there’s more you can do without even letting anyone know. Others drive over to the gym, do a little cardio and lift a few weights then get the hell out of dodge but for me, there’s more to use. You can get in a workout anywhere you want and no one will ever know for example; you're out grocery shopping and you're in your favorite aisle how do you exercise there?

There’s Isometrics where you grip and squeeze your cart for a few seconds or squeeze and twist the wrists, a few sets of those for 8-10 seconds and there’s a workout at the grocery store.

Here’s another example, you're at a red light (and only do this when you’re out driving), what can you do while you waiting for the light to turn green? Well, one can be to bring your hands together and push for a few seconds, than grab the steering wheel, you can push and pull in different directions for a few seconds each. It’s about making the time no matter where you go or what you do.

            You want to talk about freeing yourself of restrictions, go outside on a beautiful day and just play and move around, don't analyze what you're suppose to do, have fun and forget sets and reps schemes. Be a wild animal, if you got a long piece of rope; do some battling ropes and make the rope wave with power and velocity, jump up and down, go for a hike do what makes you happy. If the weather is good, take advantage of it. In the summer when I’m in Lake Tahoe with my family, all bets are off and just go swimming, lift and climb up on the rocks, pull-ups while hanging on the docks, wall sit on the trees, lift up logs; it’s all part of exercising and training without limiting yourself.

            The key ingredient to free yourself from restrictions is to create your own program. Be your own trainer because no one knows your body better than you do. If you have to start out slow, that’s fine build yourself up. None of us are perfect and we all can’t do the same training as some others. Our bodies aren't built equally so we have to learn certain things that are structured to our build. You don't need a six pack to look super awesome but if that’s what you want to do than find a way to do it. Don't try to build yourself like someone else; theirs is taken so build yourself the way you were meant to. Be creative and have fun because being on a restricted program feels like being chained up and you can only do so much which isn't much at all so break free and build your body and mind for yourself. 

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