Showing posts with label Expand Your Power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Expand Your Power. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A Workout Is Just A Workout

    The way most people look at exercise is that they just want it over with. Driving to the gym, slap on some clothes and do their little cardio sessions and baby weights plus a little Zumba or Jazzercise to "spice" it up. Sometimes people exercise just to get away from home and do their thing, nothing wrong with that but then there are those that take it so seriously they'll die before they don't have a great training session. For me in 9+ years of doing at least 1 workout every single day, I look at it as an opportunity to challenge my body, my mind and the way certain exercises feel with a sense of purpose and imagination. For the most part I'm a complete nerd when it comes to exercise and I've accepted that. People in the most sense don't really use their minds from an opened stand point, they're very analytical and don't realize that the right amount of things to use for your goals is not that much yet isolate the shit of out their bodies.


    Like a few people in fitness, I put passion into my exercise, I may not always show it but in my mind I'm firing up and I'll keep going until I feel I'm done. Those who train with fire and passion go beyond just a workout, it's a battle to who can keep up and the biggest competition is not that twerp bodybuilder with bunny weights, it's you against yourself. I've seen a lot of people in the gym and even a few train outside that train with a little finesse and have good technique but their energy just isn't there. It's like they do something just for the sake of doing it. It doesn't matter what you train as or what goals you're trying to achieve whether it's losing weight, building muscle, hold a handstand, pull the strongest cables or lift a weight you want to surpass; if you're passionate about it than use it to get the results you want.


    One secret I don't share with many people and now I'm giving it to you is that a real workout and I'm not talking about pushing your limits or getting psyched and all that stuff; what I'am talking about is that a great workout that is real and demanding for you is like telling a story. How do you introduce the story in your workouts, where's the conflict, do you have certain characters (exercises) that have something to say and how would you end it? Every story has a beginning, a middle and an end but it can't be just some mediocre story, it's how you play it out in your mind and putting it into action (training). You're creating a place in time where the way you feel and the way the story moves you. It's like a beautiful dance, you need rhythm, poise, and balance and most importantly you need to breathe life into it. How's that for a workout? It's not even a workout anymore, it's like a play and each chapter is one step closer to being stronger, more powerful and like an awesome ending it's going to change your mental state in a very cunning way.


    A great workout is flooded with intensity, not that getting mad and screaming crap but the focus and the drive to move faster, more efficient and strength that you didn't think you had in you. Many people can't understand this because there's no energy and no drive to do better. Sometimes the pace is slower or faster for some people but those that want to test themselves and see how far they're willing to go to get that intense focus to achieve the goals they strive for. One man I can name at the top of my head that is intense as you can get is Matti Marzel of Ferocious Strength; he's so adamant to be the very best at what he does that his intensity is felt throughout his writing and his videos as he breaks wrenches, does extremely advanced exercises on his fingertips and even holds himself up in ways some elite gymnasts can't fathom. He is that focused and he's just as intense from talking as he is training but the main point here is that he's one of extreme few individuals in this world that throws himself into this powerful state of mind and pushes himself to the point most are too damn afraid to go. A workout is never just a workout.


Happy Wednesday everyone. Keep it up and train hard during this mid week and be awesome. Looking for advice and coaching to help achieve your goals than grab $50 worth of products and as a bonus, I'll throw in a one-one free coaching session on skype. Check out the bottom of the site logo for more details.

Friday, August 29, 2014

The Feeling Of Electrical Expression

    As a human being one of the things of our very nature is being able to express ourselves. As little kids we pretend while we play and have vivid imaginations and we feel like we can take the world by storm. As teenagers we get into the latest fads and express our likes for certain music, the way we dress, doesn't matter if you're popular in school or not it's all about what you come as when you feel the need to show what you like to be or who you want to be, it's like Halloween but not as expressive (or maybe it is). When we grow into adults, our feeling to express ourselves tend to drop because we have to look a certain way for people, we shy away from who we want to express ourselves as because of a certain job or our families because we aren't a kid anymore or try impress our boss so we can get a promotion. We completely lose track of who we are and having the freedom to be expressive and letting out another piece of us.


    I quite frankly don't give a shit in most ways how to express myself, I love who I'am and if anybody gives me crap than you're going to get it back. To truly express yourself is to feel it from within, have a powerful electrical feeling to show who you really are. I'm still practicing this because for a long time around certain people I've had to hide myself from who I truly am because certain people I know can't take it and will feel "embarrassed" to be around me. Your energy is what gives off that power, if you learn to harness it and balance it out for you, you can show your true self to people and although it's not always easy (trust me I know what I'm talking about) it's very exhilarating to show the real you to anyone. You must be comfortable with who you are first otherwise you're pretending to be someone you're not. And also what is the point of helping others if you can't help yourself in the first place? Some people feel the need to take care of others and/or help them which is awesome in its own way but if you don't take care of you what is it really worth? Be open with who you are (almost makes me sound like a hypocrite but you know what I'm learning) and throw your energy out with passion, love and the desire to unlock your true personality because there are shy people with massive expression when they let it out but there are other people who are very expressive but try to be someone else when they ought to open up who you are.


    The way you train no matter what it is can show a certain aspect of your personality because even though you may not realize it but the way you handle a lift or the way you hold a posture even when throw the dumbbells around has an effect on the way you bring yourself out. Let it me put it this way for those playing the home game; some people are compressed, shy and awkward but if you worked out with them you may see a complete change in their expression, their energy and the way they just blast out. There are also people who look strong as hell but can't do a damn thing in a workout. How you handle yourself in your training is not how impressive you're trying to be but how you make yourself better when you do the things that give you the best results. Your imagination and the way you think can have a profound effect on your training as well because if you just think that you need to do this or that or even just move without any emotional content you will be dull and that part of your personality is dull. If you learn to open your mind, use your imagination and bring it out to the world, your body language changes, you have greater energy and your results will speak for themselves. Release that emotional power and feel the electric shock that will be your expressive nature.


    Do what feels right to you, you are not perfect and you shouldn't have to do what works for other people. Believe me I've been used to an extent that even though I'm a strong guy that I ought to help everyone even those that have an agenda (which some of them do). I help when I have a reason to, not because somebody ordered me and decided that my life is only convenient towards their needs. Helping others is a wonderful thing yet people can take advantage of that and suck your energy because they think they have the right to do so. It's not easy saying no to people, especially if they're blood related but you take what gives you a reason to be helpful. Express yourself when you help someone, hold onto who you are otherwise there will be assholes walking over or stepping on you. It is great to help those in need I love to do it because there are certain things I can do that not others can but it's not fun to help when the person you're helping has an agenda and just use you when it's convenient for them. You are a wonderful human being who has the right to express themselves that is positive and productive. It's not fun when you express yourself in a negative way, that's giving in and letting the thing that makes you feel that way win when you have the power to overthrow that and channel your energy in another matter.


Build yourself up from scratch, it's like being an architect; you create your own little plans for what you want to be, create a foundation, find where you want to put the strongest pieces that'll hold yourself together, be creative in the artwork, decorate the living space in your imagination, build the strongest roof that will keep you safe. Being expressive is what comes out of those plans and what it says about you and your personality. Jump, laugh, love and share who you are because there are people out there who would love to be in your life and those that aren't and don't want to don't deserve it so find those who have similar interests, things you can talk about and being yourself because the right people won't give a shit because they care about who you are and not who they want you to be, trust me I've dealt with it my whole life and I'm tired of compressing my true self when I have a right to bring myself out and so should you.


Have a great weekend everyone, have fun be safe and most importantly be awesome and yourself.





Friday, July 4, 2014

Possessing Real Raw Power

    To know the true secrets of unlocking real raw power and strength is to not only be open minded but to look inside within yourself and develop through practice the technique and belief that such a thing is not only real but to jump start everything inside you that could not only help you save someone's life but can also help you reach levels you never imagined in your own life. Practice doesn't always mean perfect, you can practice badly and be good at being bad at it. The practice is to find the rhythm that works together with your mind and body together. Moving fluidly with grace and crazy strength. It's also not something to just work the motions, practice the techniques but practice with passion, living breath of internal power and working congruently with the universe.


    To truly master this secret of unlocking super strength and power is to also master who you are. If you're not confident in your abilities, it won't work for you, you have to believe it's there and you have a way to unleash the intensity of this powerful secret. One way to look at this powerful secret is to study the Vampire; there are some who have the wisdom of centuries and know full well about using the power that's inside them, it attracts what they want, it gives them unbelievable physical and charismatic strength. It's radiant energy can only be seen if a vampire allows it. Their sense is more wired, their sight is much clearer and their speed is just surreal. Is it possible to have this in real life? Maybe not to the extreme you see in the movies or read about in books but you can enhance the powers you have by practicing and learning certain techniques that is congruent with your body and your imagination.


    When you open up the power within you, you can do great extraordinary things you never thought possible. The body is capable of doing incredible things, unleash muscle fibers for great strength, cells that create blood flow and heal itself, the ability to enhance eyesight through deep concentration and feel energy that no amount of caffine or drug can even begin to take hold. To unlock it is to believe, that confident vibration that leads to unleashing raw power not just physical but surrounded energy that can help you attract what you want, whether it could be a relationship, a business deal, a duration of a sporting competition or to attract money. I've been practicing this for years and still have improvement to go on.


    The body's ability to heal is incredible but yet it has to be congruent with the way you think. Let me give you an example; when I broke my legs yes I was afraid I would never walk again even though doctors told me I'd be up running marathons in no time. After being in a hospital bed and a wheelchair for so long, I made a decision to believe that not only will I walk again I was going to be far stronger than ever. This belief was so powerful no one was going to tell me anything different. It consumed me so much my body was not only repairing itself quicker than expected but I was healing on a much deeper level. I took action because of this belief and I did something everyone thought was a bad decision, I chose to rehab by myself and let me deal with my own recovery. Within 6 months I hit over 1000 squats in under an hour. I will say don't just believe in something and think it's just going to come, you have to take action as well; think about my example, if I had only believed I would just walk and not do anything else, I wouldn't be sitting here talking to you about it. To unlock this power is through belief, action and passion. Want to know how to learn this powerful secret, check out CoreForce Energy and practice it's teachings.


Happy Independence Day everyone. Be Awesome and have a great weekend.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Conserving Your Breathing

            The breath is the most important factor in the human body. We can for days without water, weeks without food but yet we can only live a few minutes holding our breath. The way we breathe in the fitness world is a bit strange at times. You can breathe in and out your nose or mouth; breathe in through the nose, out the mouth or in the nose and out the nose. There are many ways to breathe but during exercise apparently we have to breathe in and out one time with one rep. That’s how we’re normally taught, even in bodyweight type exercises like the squat and push-up, inhale up, exhale down or vise versa.

            What if we switched gears a bit so you can get a few extra reps without breathing in and out every single time? Learn to breathe differently, conserve your energy and your breathing. If you’re breathing too much, too early, you may get wined. It’s like a wrestling match, you need to keep your body strong and supple and part of that is your breathing, if you get winded too quickly (or as they say in pro wrestling you Blow Up), you won’t be as efficient and you won’t be able to handle the stress and possibly end up losing. What does the breath feel like, sound like and where does the driving force of it come from. Do an exercise like push-ups, inhale for 2 reps and exhale for 2 reps, you just did 4 reps in one breath. Now do it a little consistently. It’s not easy and it takes getting use to but you can get more out of your reps with the control of your breathing power.

            Doing the same old thing can lead to boredom and as the definition of insanity is; doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Here at Power & Might, I look to help you find and give information that can help you from another perspective. Thinking differently, helping you get more out of what most people teach. Deep Breathing is one of the most powerful aspects of Physical Culture because it doesn’t just help you become physically strong but mentally strong as well.

            Fluidity is another important aspect of your training. Like Bruce Lee has stated being like water, it’s fluid, powerful and can give life as well as destroy it. Moving with grace and power is far more important than grunting, making little mad faces and being narrow dimensional. Expand your power; one course that is the center of this is CoreForce Energy, teaching how to expand your power, your breathing and your imagination to instantly get stronger and faster. Open up to building a stronger body from within and take your strength to levels that you thought were impossible.

Be awesome my friends.  

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